Frequently Asked Questions
Is this stuff new or used?
Most of our stock is from military surplus or from trades with collectors and hobbiests like you. Assume all items are in used working condition unless otherwise specified as: new, nos (new old stock), reconditioned (repaired or refurbished), as-is (probably working but un-tested), for-parts (incomplete or non-working), or non-functional.
What if you don't have what I am looking for?
Our stock changes rapidly and there is no guarantee of replenishing any given item, however, we are glad to take requests for specific items and we will keep watch out to obtain those items for you. Just e-mail us your needs.
Do you take trades?
Yes, we are generally happy to consider trades for equipment and parts. Give us a list of what you have and what you would like and we will see if we can use those items.
Do you buy radios and parts?
Yes, we are interested in what you may have for sale. If it is along our interests, needs, or wants, we can make you an offer.
Will you ship out of the country?
Although some items may not have restrictions on shipping out of the country, many of them do. Due to the complexity in determining what items can and cannot be exported, we are sorry to say that we will not ship anything outside of the US.
Can I use this equipment in an official capacity?
Items in our store may not conform to current Federal laws governed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other federal and state governmental agencies. The customer assumes all responsibility to use items purchased in our store in a legal, safe, and responsible fashion.
Is there a disclaimer?
Yes, The customer assumes all liability and holds American Milspec, LLC harmless for compliance to current and future laws pertaining to the use and possession of equipment pruchased, for any personal injury liability arising from improper and unsafe use of purchased equipment, and for any property damage caused directly or indirectly by equipment use.