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Transistors RF Power
Amplifier Assembly with TRW transistors, mounted to heat sink 00724-18-00270-001Amplifier Assembly with TRW transistors, mounted to heat sink 00724-18-00270-001,Price: $15.00
LEL IF Amplifier assembly model 2040 Motorola part # 01-28723A01LEL IF Amplifier assembly model 2040 Motorola part # 01-28723A01,Price: $8.00
RF amplifier board CEC1-0 qty 2 2N4430 transistorsRF amplifier board CEC1-0 qty 2 2N4430 transistors,Price: $7.00
RF Amplifier board with qty 6 Avantek SF7-0698 and qty 2 Avantek SF7-0697 transistorsRF Amplifier board with qty 6 Avantek SF7-0698 and qty 2 Avantek SF7-0697 transistors,Price: $15.00