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USA Mfgr
Board A2100B newBoard A2100B newPrice: $16.00
Board A6400A newBoard A6400A newPrice: $16.00
board for ARC114A radio SM-B-692851board for ARC114A radio SM-B-692851Price: $8.00
BROWN KNOB, KnobBROWN KNOB, KnobPrice: $2.00
C (male) compression connectorC (male) compression connector, silver,USA MfgrPrice: $3.00
C (male) to C (female) elbowC (male) to C (female) elbow, silver,USA MfgrPrice: $4.00
C-2742 Remote Control HeadC-2742 Remote Control Head for an RT-246, used condition, olive drab.Price: $34.00
Cable with Pushbutton PIF 01249-01 Flare Dispense un-usedCable with Pushbutton PIF 01249-01 Flare Dispense un-used,Price: $15.00
CAL red lamp lenses, IndicatorCAL red lamp lenses, IndicatorPrice: $1.00
Capacitor HR831071 0.12uf newCapacitor HR831071 0.12uf newPrice: $3.00
Carbon Mic and Speaker PairCommunications Carbon Mic and Speaker PairPrice: $4.00
Ceramic Crystal socket SMALL CONNECTOR, ConnectorCeramic Crystal socket SMALL CONNECTOR, ConnectorPrice: $2.00
channel select knob base 447976-Rchannel select knob base 447976-RPrice: $10.00
CIRCUIT BREAKER—5925-01-021-7237, SwitchCIRCUIT BREAKER—5925-01-021-7237, SwitchPrice: $2.00
COIL CONNECTOR, ConnectorCOIL CONNECTOR, ConnectorPrice: $4.00
Coil newCoil newPrice: $5.00
Coiled cable assembly 5995-01-417-3085 newCoiled cable assembly 5995-01-417-3085 new,Price: $16.00
Connector 851 07A 12-10 newConnector 851 07A 12-10 newPrice: $6.00
CRS 1st & 2nd IF Ampl. A3400A new or refurbCRS 1st & 2nd IF Ampl. A3400A new or refurbPrice: $16.00
CRS 1st and 2nd IF Amplifier A3400CRS 1st and 2nd IF Amplifier A3400,Price: $11.00