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Thanks for stopping by! Scott.
Be sure to check out the movie "White House Down". The lead character played by Channing Tatum prominently uses one of our Racal 25 handheld radios throughout the movie! Actually all of the bad guys use them as well. Awesome product placement :)
News and Announcements!
- 09/24/19 Added a Rohde & Schwarz PR100 9kHz-7.5GHz Portable Monitoring Receiver with all options! (9/24/2019)
- 01/20/19 Added some nice Harris RF-5020 and RF-5022 equipment and parts (1/20/2019)
- 11/22/18 Added a bunch of power supply items, Raytheon parts, and other items (11/22/2018)
- 08/27/18 Added a new Barrett HF Transceiver, some very nice radios and assorted cables and accessories (8/27/2018)
- 08/12/18 Added some very nice receivers and test equipment along with other antennas and amplifiers (8/12/2018)
- 04/26/18 Just added a bunch of antenna elements and components and some nice SIGINT equipment (4/26/2018)
- 03/07/18 Just added a rare PRC-138 Version 2 HF Manpack in excellent working condition. These don't show up very often. (3/7/2018)
- 01/01/18 Just added nearly 200 new products! Parts, Radios, Antennas,Cables and more! (1/5/2018)
- 2/8/17 Added a number of Avionics parts and radio accessories (2/8/2017)
- 12/04/16 Added a number of Radios and other misc items (12/4/2016)
- 09/13/16 Added Many Watkins Johnson Cables and Crystal Filters, Harris RF-2301 boards and other Receivers and misc. (9/13/2016)
- Just added a PRC-138 for repair, and some additional items (6/4/2015)
- Added a very nice Watkins Johnson WJ-9477(G) Tunable Demodulator, just tuned and aligned by a former WJ engineer. (1/18/2015)
- Just added a nice PRC-104B Digital Display Version HF Transceiver (12/20/2014)
- Just reduced the prices on a nice PRC-1099A and Harris RF-5034 400Watt Amplifier (12/14/2014)
- Just added a very nice Watkins Johnson WJ-8615D-4 2-1100MHz Fully Loaded Receiver (11/21/2014)
- Added a bunch of new radios, power supplies, Harris accessories, Antennas, Cables and much more! (5/29/2014)
- Just added some Harris RF-5051PS power supplies as well as other accessories (5/25/2014)
- Just added a Grintek HF Manpack Transceiver and new un-used Shakespeare SF 3512 and un-used Harris RF-3183-AT013 30-512MHz antennas! (5/25/2014)
- Just added a nice PRC-1099A with ALE, and a Very special discount price on the Thomson TRC 340 HF Manpack Transceiver (4/10/2014)
- Just added some nice Watkins Johnson HF Receivers and Demodulator as well as some other neat items (2/2/2014)
- Just added a nice Motorola URC-200 SATCOM radio (9/25/2013)
- Just got some nice Mil Spec 21 foot RF Cables (New) in stock: CG-3855/VRC M17/84 RG223 (9/25/2013)
- Added Batteries, Parts, Cables, Antennas, and other misc stuff. (8/22/2013)
- We now provide a service to modify a Harris PRC-152 Battery to work with Airsoft TRI Replica Radios for $55, This allows you to charge and use real Harris batteries with the replica radios, see the service catagory. (8/10/2013)
- Added some new Bren-Tronics BB-2590 Batteries with SMBUS sealed in boxes MFG 2012 test date 2015 Don't miss out. (8/7/2013)
- Just added a bunch of Bren-Tronics and Ultralife Lithium BB-2590 Batteries and other accessories (6/29/2013)
- Added Many McDowell Research Power Supplies for Various Military Radios, 100Watt and 125Watt 30-512 MHz Amplifiers, Harris Accessories, Watkins Johnson WJ-8611 and much more (4/19/2013)
- Just added a nice PRC-104B, and PRC-104 all aligned and tested on the air. Also a very cool Thomson TRC 340 1.6-29.999MHz Manpack radio (4/18/2013)
- Added a Hughes PRC-104B HF Transceiver Digital display version (4/7/2013)
- Just added a bunch of Rockwell Collins HF-80 Circuit Board and Amplifier Assemblies (3/31/2013)
- Just added a very rare Motorola LST-5E Late Model SATCOM Transceiver (2/8/2013)
- Just added some new Harris PRC-150, PRC-117F etc. KDU Extension Cables, PRC-117F RF Cables, THOMSON HF Pack, Loaded Watkins Johnson Microceptor, and more! (1/21/2013)
- Merry Christmas Everyone! Just added a bunch of new Cubic, Racal, and Watkins Johnson Receivers, R-3080, R-2411U, Miniceptor, Very cool Mini Chinese Digital HF Pack Radio, Trivec-Avant SATCOM antennas, Cobham Antennas, Dual Band First RF antennas and more! (12/26/2012)
- Just Added Harris PRC-152 Handheld Lithium Battery 12041-2100-02 Green, in NEW un-used condition, ships charged, 14304,, Extremely fresh, manufactured in 7/2012, comes in original box (12/4/2012)
- One time super sale on: Tadiran Elbit HF-6000 HF Manpack, fully loaded with ALE, COMSEC, ECCM, etc. Was $8800, I am selling for half price at a loss for this week only! $4400. I only have one, don't miss out. (12/4/2012)
- Added some new radios and antennas, including AN/URT-45 SARSAT emergency radio, PRC-1099A's, Modern Russian HF Receiver, Refurbished PRC-174, PLGR II GPS, AT-1011/U and more! (11/20/2012)
- Added NEW Peltor Com-Tac II Dual PTT Talk-Thru Comminucations Headsets MT15H69FB-19 (11/1/2012)
- Added Many Harris, UltraLife, Thales, Racal, and Brentronics Chargers and Batteries, X-Wing SATCOM OTM antennas, PRC-68 and 68B radios as well as a really nice MOTOROLA SATCOM receiver (10/31/2012)
- Just added a Transworld PRC-1099A HF pack radio, Racal RA1796A 2-1000MHz Receiver, and lots of new Harris Accessories (10/2/2012)
- The Grintek TR-178B HF Manpack Radio now includes the nearlt impossible to find antenna tuner and battery! (10/2/2012)
- Added more Harris and Thales accessories and cables PRC-117G RF-7800 Falcon III PRC-148 as well as a complete Chinese BWT 133 HF System! (9/17/2012)
- Just added an extremely nice Rohde & Schwarz ESMB 9kHz to 3GHz Monitoring and test receiver (9/4/2012)
- Added new Harris and Thales Antennas and accessories for PRC-150 PRC-148, Manuals, Mics, Amplifiers and more. (8/31/2012)
- Added some new military radios including Watkins Johnson, Racal, Harris, and E.H. Scott, including GRC-215 components (6/25/2012)
- Added Many Janes Books, Harris Manuals, PRC-150 Accessories, PSC-5 Cables, PRC-148 Batteries and BB-2590 Lithium Batteries (6/4/2012)
- Added even more Repair Services, and now also HF Consulting! Harris, PRC-104, PRC-174 etc. Look in Repair, Service and Consulting Catagory (4/28/2012)
- Just added a bunch of Military Radio Battery Boxes and Power Supply Related Items, Military Radios including Southcom Patrolfone, Racal 25, and more! (3/20/2012)
- We now Provide Repair and Service on ITT Mackay Radios, MSR-8000, 8000D, 3030, 1020, 8050, 5050, 4030, and more! A new catagory has been added, look in Repair and Servicing of Radios (2/27/2012)
- Just added ITT Mackay Parts! (2/27/2012)
- Great Deals on Mackay MSR-8000 Radios Added, Parts units all the way up to Warranteed OEM Spec Units (2/23/2012)
- Just added a few radios, 30-512MHz amplifier, and accessories. (1/11/2012)
- Happy New Year Everyone! Just added a huge pile of Radios! Harris RF-5834 400Watt Amp, Hughes, Thompson, Magnavox, ITT Mackay, Watkins Johnson, Racal MSHR, Ten-Tec, Winradio, Russian Radios, and much more! (12/31/2011)
- Added over 150 line items of Radio Accessories, Watkins Johnson Parts, Harris RF-230 RF-2301 parts, MRR5 Parts, Racal 6790 Parts, and more. (12/25/2011)
- Added more Military Radios including Rohde & Schwarz, Racal RA6790/GM, P-880M, TBR-115, and more. (12/17/2011)
- Added over 90 new line items of Watkins Johnson and Cubic Parts (12/10/2011)
- Added Antennas, Cables, Harris Accessories, Grintek Mini-Hopper TR-178B HF Manpack, BWT-133 HF Manpack, PRC-104A and more. (12/8/2011)
- Just added Radios, PRC-112 GPS, PRC-74B, Transworld PRC-1099A, Cougar, Watkins Johnson, Winradio, more. Also PRC-150 accessories, BB-590 NiMh batteries and more. (11/10/2011)
- Added Harris RF-5800 accessories (11/8/2011)
- 08/26/11 Added new Peltor Speaker Mics, Whisper Mics, PRC-150 cables, Tadiran Radios, and other items. (11/8/2011)
- 07/19/11 Added over 400 new line items, mostly parts (11/8/2011)
- 02/25/11 Special Buy! Brand New AT-892 antennas with flex base PRC-25, PRC-77, PRC-1077 etc. $33 each! (11/8/2011)
- 02/15/11 Added more Radios: Grintek TR600C, ITT Mackay MSR-5050A etc. (11/8/2011)
- 12/21/10 Added more Military Radios, antennas and accessories: Harris, Watkins johnson, Grintek (11/8/2011)
- 11/24/10 Added New Harris PRC-152 Battery Chargers and a few other items (11/8/2011)
- 11/07/10 Added some new radios: Datron PRC-2150, Watkins Johnson 8711A, Cincinnatti (11/8/2011)
- 10/25/10 Added over 250 line items, Watkins Johnson & Rockwell Collins Parts, Aircraft Radio (11/8/2011)
- 10/06/10 Special Buy!! BA-5590 Lithium Batteries new-sealed date code 1004C only $16.50 (11/8/2011)
- 04/02/10 Added over 100 new radio part line items Cubic, Cincinnati Electronics, Watkins Johnson, (11/8/2011)
- 03/18/10 Added a bunch of HF radios, RT-524 parts, Microdyne parts, Brentronics and more (11/8/2011)
- 03/08/10 Added many new antennas and antenna accessories (11/8/2011)
- 02/04/10 Added over 1700 vacuum tubes to inventory (11/8/2011)
- 01/21/10 Added new Military Radios, Signal Generators, Aircraft and Antenna Accys (11/8/2011)
- 01/09/10 Added a large inventory of military radio cables (11/8/2011)
- 12/04/09 Added PRC-104A (digital display version), Harris RF-5022, AN/PVS-5C Night Vision (11/8/2011)
- 11/15/09 Added over 80 RF and Radio module and parts items (11/8/2011)
- 10/11/09 Added Watkins Johnson Receivers, Microdyne, SATCOM, Test Equipment and more (11/8/2011)
- 07/22/09 Added NOS Racal PRC-139 Antennas, Batteries, and Accessories (11/8/2011)
- 07/09/09 Added Harris R-2368A, ITT Mackay, Racal, gear and parts (11/8/2011)
- 05/07/09 Added Rockwell Collins HF-8050A receiver, KY-57 display unit, and other radio accessorie (11/8/2011)
- 03/23/09 Added many more parts and antennas (11/8/2011)
- 03/02/09 Added over 50 Sunair, Collins, Harris, and other Radio parts (11/8/2011)
- 01/21/09 Added a bunch of Collins and other brand mechanical and crystal filters (11/8/2011)
- 12/09/08 Added more radios, Sunair and Cubic antenna tuners, Military Radiac, and other neat stuff (11/8/2011)
- 11/17/08 added some rare Rockwell Collins, Cubic, ITT Mackay, and Sunair tech manuals (11/8/2011)
- 10/12/08 added >90 items in many categories including parts, antennas, antenna accessories, etc! (11/8/2011)
- 09/16/08 added 36 items in many catagories including Micom parts and optics (11/8/2011)
- 09/15/08 added 175 items in many categories including aircraft radios, antennas, amplifiers, etc! (11/8/2011)
- 08/20/08 added high resolution downloadable whitewater event pictures (11/8/2011)
- 06/18/08 added over 100 types of Vacuum Tubes (11/8/2011)
- 06/04/08 added Aircraft Antennas, Radio Battery Boxes, Radios, and Misc Stuff (11/8/2011)
- 06/03/08 added PRC-74, RF-1110, ARC-201, and SINCGARS parts (11/8/2011)
- 05/31/08 added Rockwell Collins, Watkins Johnson, Harris, Sunair, and other neat Items (11/8/2011)
- 05/01/08 added some antennas, radios, and other accys (11/8/2011)
- 04/19/08 added PRC-104, PRC-68 parts, and some radios (11/8/2011)
- 04/01/08 added Harris RF-1110, RF-1310, RF-280, and RF-505 parts (11/8/2011)
- 03/31/08 added over 20 new types of Harris RF-590 parts (11/8/2011)
- 03/30/08 added Rockwell Collins, Racal, Plessey, Hughes Radios, Amps & Accys (11/8/2011)
- 03/12/08 added Mackay 1kW Amplifier, laser rangefinder, and 50 more items (11/8/2011)
- 02/26/08 added Johnson Project 25 Radios and 50 new line items (11/8/2011)